African most loved swallows

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Founding Vision

The idea for Afro Combo Box was born out of a deep-seated desire to cater to the culinary needs of Nigerian who live in Canada who long for the comforting taste of home-cooked meals. As someone intimately familiar with the challenges of adapting to a new environment, I recognized the significance of food in preserving cultural identity and fostering a sense of belonging. Many African-Nigerians residing abroad often find themselves yearning for the traditional “Swallow Food” that forms an integral part of their cultural heritage. With Afro Combo Box, my aim was clear: to create a convenient and reliable platform for individuals to access these beloved foodstuffs without compromise.

In The Box

Choose from the variety of products

Naija Nourishment Combo


Savvy Savanna combo box


Sankofa Variety Selection



Bringing Home to the Comfort of your home

At Afro Combo Box, our mission is simple yet profound: to bridge the gap between Nigerian abroad and the flavors of home they dearly miss. We understand the profound connection individuals have with the tastes and aromas of their native cuisine, especially when it comes to the cherished “Swallow Food” that forms the heart of many Nigerian meals

Build Your Combo Box

Embark on the pleasure of relishing your African/Nigerian homegrown & delightful cuisine.
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